When booking anyone in a school setting (or similar), please remember it is better to have smaller groups of, for example, around 50 students of similar age, than a single group of 150 people aged between 5 and 15. The younger the student, the smaller the group also helps. The understanding capabilities a five year old has is far different from a child eight years old, which is different from a twelve year old. If you have a large group of very young children, instead of booking a performer for an hour consider booking the performer for a shorter time in smaller groups. Budgets can be accommodated. If the age range is the same, it is sometimes better to again break up larger groups into smaller groups for a more intimate and personal performance. I am also capable of and have had experience of performing to large groups of between 200 - 1,000 people or more.

I have and can also present simulcast presentations where I am in-person with a group of people and live-stream to another group (or groups) of people.

Please reach out if you have limited funding.
I will do what I can to work within your budget.

Pre-K and kindergarten

Simon’s pre-school and kindergarten program is popular, and lasts between 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the attention span of the group, which we know can be different on any given day. This program incorporates simple stories, some music, and repetition for participation, for example Wheels on the Bus, a stripped-down version of The Three Billy Goats Bluff, or Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Simon’s animated facial expressions and variety of sound effects enliven any presentation for wee ones (and adults).
Discounted rates apply for rural and underfunded libraries and schools - call for details.

The National Storytelling Festival, Jonesboro, TN, 2019

The National Storytelling Festival, Jonesboro, TN, 2019

library Summer Reading Programs

Each year Simon creates a new program specifically for that year’s Summer Reading Program. If you do not follow the State’s SRP, let me know so I can create a program for your library.
Discounted rates are available for rural and/or underfunded libraries - call for details - six oh three, three five nine, three three four one.

The Stories:

Simon has a large and always growing repertoire of tales to pull from. Although the bulk of his story collection is Euro-centric, he also knows a great many stories from Asia, Africa, India and the Middle East. Simon believes strongly in cultural inclusion. Sometimes it is nice to gather a number of stories together, like friends, for a program that might follow a theme. The examples below are only suggestions. Simon can create a bespoke program For You. Here are some ideas you might wish to use or be inspired by:

The Epic of Gilgamesh, a retelling:

The epics are built from rock, fire and sea, blood and flesh and Gilgamesh can be used to teach in Social Studies as part of Ancient Civilizations. When I saw some of the source materials my own children were using (in both 6th and 10th grades), I felt they missed parts, changed the story (The Jungle Book - Disney, vs Kipling) and shut out the human condition of the story. The retelling I created (as a result of what I saw) is authentic, yet appropriate for 6th grade and up. It runs over an hour in length and is somewhat edgy. It has been called one of the more accessible (and enjoyable) renderings of the epic. For more details click here: Gilgamesh

A World of Tales:

The World is not just made up of European tales, and Simon selects and tells some great stories from Africa, Asia, Persia, India, including the often requested How Ananzi Gave Us Stories. Tales of love, long journeys, and adventures of shape shifting girls battling dragons, or one inch boys provide great entertainment for the whole family. This program is designed for family entertainment at home, for libraries. camps, and schools. All ages.


These tales come from American, African, European and other world sources. They include the story of beaver's race with turtle (with permission from Joseph Bruchac), how Raven brought light to humans, why bear's tail is short, tales of trees, and more. All ages.

Fright Night:

These tales are stories that will chill listeners to the bone. But don't worry - I provide age specific programs! A Fright Night can be suitable for children aged 4 and up, but works REALLY well for older listeners (11 plus). Programs can be family friendly, or broken into 'acts' or parts: I do half a presentation for younger kids and then half a presentation for older kids. This allows me to cater to both younger children and older children, and by having a break where the younger ones leave (snacks, games etc.) and I continue telling more chilling tales to the remaining adults and older children. Alternative locations also work. I do programs for adults (see below) with longer, more chilling tales. Let me know what your chill factor is! For a list of stories, please visit: Halloween on my blog page.

 Winter Tales:

Stories from all over the world that celebrate winter and the coming of spring. Great for the winter holidays. How Bear Lost His Tail, is a perfect tale for the winter, How the Evergreens Became Evergreen, and funny tales about trolls at Christmastime. To compliment these there are stories about fairy brides, bakers, and Welsh kings hiding their extraordinary ears - stories of generosity and kindness.


Stories of treasure found in unlikely places, pirates, and a Greek myth can all found in this entertaining program for those 4 years old and up.

Of Rogues and Rascals:

You will find that scamps, scallywags and scoundrels abound. These tales will tickle your funny bone, and with a nudge and a wink Simon will take your mind off other vagabonds and varlets with his ancient stories. Some might even be true! Tricksters, such as fox or wolf, sometimes have their way, yet often the devil is caught out and sent packing, tricky lords get their due, and those in search of luck sometimes come undone! This can be presented as an adult program (see below) or a family program.

Celtic Tales:

Stories from England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, told by a Briton! It doesn't get much more authentic than that!

Photograph - Simon Brooks, © 2018

Photograph - Simon Brooks, © 2018

Adult Programs

Loves Labors, Loves Lost:

It's not Shakespeare! Sometimes the happy ever after takes hard work, sometimes it comes naturally, and sadly, sometimes it is lost. In these tales, a princess needs to get married but cannot choose to whom (or what!); Henry has to overcome a great test to marry his true love; a burly Scot falls in love with and marries one of the fay (one of the good people); and we will hear of a misunderstanding between a happy couple and how they reconcile.

Where the Ravens Feed:

Ravens are smart, are sometimes seen as creatures that forebode dark times, but ravens also like to play. All this is brought to the table with an intimate telling of the 1st Century Anglo-Scandinavian story of Weyland Smith, bawdy tales, funny stories and darn good yarns that might leave you yearning for more. From ancient ballads told in story form to dark tales I learned in my youth, I share stories you'll not forget.
Where the Ravens Feed is a program of adult tales. This program is not for children. High school and older recommended.


The epics are built from rock, fire and sea, blood and flesh! Gilgamesh is the oldest that we have! For more info click here to take you to my Gilgamesh page. For sixth grade and up. When performing for adults, I do not use euphemisms. Gilgamesh runs over an hour in length.

Of Rogues and Rascals:

You will find that scamps, scallywags and scoundrels abound. These tales will tickle your funny bone, and with a nudge and a wink Simon will take your mind off other vagabonds and varlets with his ancient stories. Some might even be true! Tricksters, such as fox or wolf, sometimes have their way, yet often the devil is caught out and sent packing, tricky lords get their due, and those in search of luck sometimes come undone! This can be presented as an adult program or a family program.

Fright Night:

This collection of tales is designed for adults only, and although can be chilling, or terrifying, can also be fun - funny even! Poe’s The Black Cat or R. L. Stevenson’s The Gravediggers can be included amongst other tales. For a full list of tales, please visit: Halloween on my blog page. This would not be for children.

Above are examples of programs I offer. Sometimes you might want a performance filled with ghost tales; you might want a series of creation stories, or tales from Scandinavia, Greek myths, or British tales of King Arthur. You may want water stories, animal tales, or just a number of ripping yarns for a given audience. Whatever your needs are, please let me know, but remember, the more notice I get, the better the program I can bring to you. If there is something you definitely have in mind that is not in the above list of ideas, please talk to me in advance so I can work with you to create your own bespoke program at no additional cost.

I can (and have) created original stories for communities. Sometimes these will cost more to create and present due to research and time, and where I can tell the tale.

Fees and details

Because each and every performance is unique, each venue is different, and your needs differ to others, please call to discuss what you want, so I can make a personal quotation for you.

Rural libraries and schools with limited budgets, please reach out. I will do what I can to work within your budget.
*Mileage fees (Federal rate) will be applied, and when traveling outside of New England, others costs may also apply.

Program Length:
Single performances are usually between 40-60 minutes.
Want a full day? A couple of days? Storytelling on the top of a hill or mountain, or deep within the woods? A theatre, corporate headquarters, house concert, or pub? In any environment, I have and can present performances and/or workshops. Additional evening performances are often added.
Looking for full week or month-long residences? I have you covered.

I provide workshops and residencies for any organization be it educational, corporation, or small business. Workshops for schools mesh easily with the Common Core Standards and meet or exceed many of the VT, NH and MA curriculum requirements.

Please call if you have budgeting constraints. I am happy to work with you.

A single visit (virtual or in-person) for up to an hour: $475.00*

Half a day (two to three presentations): $650.00 - $800.00*

Full day (up to eight hours, evening optional), and Artist in Residence: Call for rates.

*Mileage fees (Federal rate) will be applied, and when traveling outside of New England, others costs will apply.

Videos/virtual: If you would like a pre-recorded video provided for single use streaming or presentation, (usually through Vimeo but arrangements can be made for alternatives) rates begin at $475.00. Discounts do not apply due to the time spent creating recorded, personal presentations. Virtual, live performances, such as but not limited to multiple showings, or storing the video, further negotiation will be needed.

I travel anywhere you need me and at most times, when I am available. I have been from New London, New Hampshire to Los Angeles, California, covering the whole of the USA to perform and teach my craft. I also travel abroad! Where do you need me?

Looking for something special like a package, or (again) have a budget to work with? Please call about pricing, we can talk. Each performance is unique in its time, place and requirements, and I would like to accommodate you.

Artwork by S Aidan Brooks © 2021

Artwork by S Aidan Brooks © 2023

Simon had been likened to a traveling one-man show with his humour, physical antics, comedy and pathos. He performs and uses his skill so your audience will lose themselves in the story as one might in a play, or movie - no matter your age.

Getting ready to visit YOU!

Getting ready to visit YOU!